
Finding Purpose in Active Service

Lots of question has been asked about purpose but very few have asked about service. Purpose hasvirtually everything to do with service. Many a great men that have walked the face of the earth found their purpose in active service of humanity and by so doing made great impacts that can’t be forgotten in a hurry. One sure way of discovering purpose is by engaging in active service; service that is not prompted by ulterior motives or agenda.

Motives matter a lot, right goals with wrong motives when achieved does not yield the required impact because the motives are wrong. King Solomon asked for wisdom and he received in addition wealth, and all round peace; his motives were right. A lot of people try to cash on that method to no avail; their motives are not sincere (the giver – God searches and knows the heart).

Service creates an opportunity to discover our strength, to perfect them and to improve our weak points. When one shows faithfulness with a given opportunity, more is given him, service creates that opportunity to prove faithfulness.

The lists are endless of men who found their ultimate purpose in active service, these men never started with intention of getting their names into history books. But they served to improve lives and create positive atmosphere for themselves and others. The desire for improvement leads to creative ideas that
will really impact lives.

Service is the price you pay for the space you occupy. To find purpose, discover service.

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