To whom much is given much is expected. He who seeks to
receive must first create the capacity to receive that which he seeks. Too
often than naught the tendency like I observe, reclines towards asking first to
be given rather than creating the capacity to receive. The unfortunate
eventuality with the first is that we get what we want but may never have/keep
it or make best use of it. Eventually the much you receive is only tantamount
to the capacity you have created to receive. It all revolves around the
principle of first thing first. It’s like the lady who dearly sought for job,
but lost it as soon as she got it. The reason is obvious, not that she asked
what was too much for her to handle but that she did not first create the
capacity to receive what she wanted. You risk losing what you ask when you get
it, if you don’t first create the capacity to receive it. If it turns out that
you are not fit for the job you have undertaken give it up and find another,
better still refine yourself or adjust the job until it comes within your
capability while you work on your competence, or else you will get
progressively less suitable. A pilot may not be able to change the direction of
the wind but he can very well adjust the positions of his ruder to maximize the
dynamics of the wind for his movement. It answers much in drawing closer to the
idea that opportunity abounds plenty not only to receive but to increase
efficiency, to make far reaching impact because you have first created the
capacity to receive. But it begins with a paradigm shift, from seeking what you
can get to asking what you can give.
It’s funny sometimes how people think of giving when it’s
talked about. I have never seen one give what one does not have. The golden
rule of giving tells us that it’s always coming back to you what you have
given. So the question you should be asking is; what have I given myself that I
can give back to others? If you are sincere with this question you will learn
to give more time to the improvement of yourself not for what you want to get
but what you want to give. You owe a responsibility not just to yourself but to
your immediate surroundings and possibly a wider community to improve yourself,
because whether you know it or not another’s improvement and eventual success
is tied to you living up to your responsibility improvement wise.
The world wants to meet you. If a man write a better book, preach a better sermon, or make
a better mousetrap than his neighbor said Emerson, though he build his house in
the woods, the world will make a beaten path to his door. Here is a summary of
all that has been said.
- There is plenty opportunity to increase your capacity
- Ask what you can give first and let every other thing find its place
- You can’t give what you don’t have
- Give yourself such that you can’t hold back from giving out that which your have
- The much you have is the much you have created capacity to receive
- There is no lack of opportunity for service, only lack of ability to serve
- Be a channel not a container. You put a limit to this capacity the moment you start thinking and functioning like a bucket rather than a hose.
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