Pursuing success without a purpose is chasing after the wind more especially when one does so without skill and intelligence. Certain fundamental factors if applied would further enhance the chances of achieving ones goal. Anybody can initiate success but to attain greatness one needs another. We all need somebody to work with, co-operate with, follow or even lead, these cannot happen in an atmosphere of distrust. Two cannot work together unless they agree; it is very easy to agree when there is a sense of trust. Below are tips that can help you win the trust of others as well as make people trust you.
#1 Be self confident. The level of trust people place in you is highly influenced by the confidence you portray. However this doesn’t suggest that you put up false confidence which is disproportional to you abilities. Believe in yourself, let it show by your confidence and you will gain the trust of you require. There are a thousand and one things people do to lift their confidence, like having a face lift, changing the car, buying a new house e.t.c. All these might actually enhance self confidence on a particular aspect. Getting acquainted with every detail related to what you do (care for) can and will effectively increase the level of confidence you have in your ability and further raise self confidence. People trust you when you are confidence
#2 Be consistent: inconsistency is somehow viewed as mediocrity. People put little trust in those who deliver now fail the other time. Have you ever thought about this or even asked yourself why people deteriorate in performance after putting so much to get to their clinical best they make strong decisions not to return to mediocrity but still do? One reason could be that they failed to realize that success is a continuum fueled by constant will and effort to improve. Knowing that you have been consistent over time will build confidence in you that will in turn make others trust your abilities.
#3 keep your word: being true to your word is a much desired virtue, it shows integrity. The fastest way to lose the trust people have in you is by saying a thing and not living up to it. Yes, there are lots of reasons why people can’t keep their word, because we are humans we can’t foresee event and situations that could make us renege on our word. But when it comes to what lies within our authority and ability we have to practice discipline and show integrity by ensuring our words don’t create false hope and confidence. Of course that’s what stands us out as people of integrity (people to be trusted). Let your word be your bond and not your excuse.
#4 Be intelligent: it is common sense to trust in someone you see as intelligent but it is folly to trust in the confidence of the imprudent. Intelligence doesn’t necessarily point to one being a genius; it involves in simple terms being able to master-mind and utilizes even the minutest detail of information to achieve desired objective. It is wisdom if intelligence is applied correctly, collectively these steps will certainly build in you the confidence that draws the trust of others to your favor.
#5 Be successful: success finds favor and trust easily. “To find his place and fill it is success for a man. –Brooks” the more successful you become in what you do the more confident you are of your skill. And remember “skill brings success.”
Failure Exposed !
It's quite a while now, but thank God am back. Today we 'll be talking about the reasons why people fail. simple, you might say but it looks really easy to think you can avoid failure than actually doing what it takes to avoid it or overcome it.
Here we 'll be seeing some major things leading to failure:
They do not develop a realistic plan.
Pretty self-explanatory, really. If you don't know where you want to go, and you don't have a map showing you the way, how are you going to get there?
They get a plan, then fail to follow through.
Having a plan isn’t enough. Take some action, no matter how small, toward your goals. And take it immediately.
We’re back to that old tenet: No one will care about you as much as you do. You can look to others for advice, but you must look to yourself for understanding, implementation, and responsibility.
They give up when they face major challenges.
Bad times and failures are going to happen. You, your character, your resiliency, and your abilities are all going to be tested. Sometimes, though, losses must simply be absorbed.
“The people that succeed are not the ones that never failed,” says Robbins. “They’re the ones that fell down and jumped back up as fast as humanly possible.”
They allow other people’s pessimism or optimism to affect the intelligent implementation of plans.
Generally speaking, in most any situation, if you run with the crowd, you’re going to get trampled. You must think, and act, independently.And that comes by always developing yourself through learning, which is what you are doing now.
They never get quality coaching.
Find someone who is already where you want to be — or is well on the way to that point — and glean everything you can from them. There is no teacher like experience, and there are no teachers like the experienced.
Finally, this is the most interesting part which most people neglect, it is this: remember to commit every thing to the hands of the most powerful force, the highest authority and am talking about GOD. For whatever we commit to him he performs it.
Here we 'll be seeing some major things leading to failure:
They do not develop a realistic plan.
Pretty self-explanatory, really. If you don't know where you want to go, and you don't have a map showing you the way, how are you going to get there?
They get a plan, then fail to follow through.
Having a plan isn’t enough. Take some action, no matter how small, toward your goals. And take it immediately.
We’re back to that old tenet: No one will care about you as much as you do. You can look to others for advice, but you must look to yourself for understanding, implementation, and responsibility.
They give up when they face major challenges.
Bad times and failures are going to happen. You, your character, your resiliency, and your abilities are all going to be tested. Sometimes, though, losses must simply be absorbed.
“The people that succeed are not the ones that never failed,” says Robbins. “They’re the ones that fell down and jumped back up as fast as humanly possible.”
They allow other people’s pessimism or optimism to affect the intelligent implementation of plans.
Generally speaking, in most any situation, if you run with the crowd, you’re going to get trampled. You must think, and act, independently.And that comes by always developing yourself through learning, which is what you are doing now.
They never get quality coaching.
Find someone who is already where you want to be — or is well on the way to that point — and glean everything you can from them. There is no teacher like experience, and there are no teachers like the experienced.
Finally, this is the most interesting part which most people neglect, it is this: remember to commit every thing to the hands of the most powerful force, the highest authority and am talking about GOD. For whatever we commit to him he performs it.
Self Improvement - The 5 Step Self Improvement Plan
Self Improvement has become increasingly popular in today's busy world for everything from career improvement and weight loss to public speaking. There are a number of simple steps that can be used to get you started on the right path to reach your own Self Improvement goal, such as:
1) Identify the Cause
A good starting point with personal development is to look at how you got to where you are right now. For example, if your area of Self Improvement relates to weight loss then look at what lifestyle factors contributed to your weight problem to start with. Write down everything you can think of that contributed to the problem and then analyze how you can modify each factor to get the result you desire.
2) Goal Setting
Clarity is very essential in achieving any self improvement goal. Ask yourself exactly what it is that you wish to achieve and the more refined and clear your goal the more chance you will have of successfully attaining it.
3) Create a Plan
Once you have decided on your goal then formulate a plan that details the steps you will take to reach your goal. Use the details you uncovered when identifying the cause of the problem and expand on these to incorporate as much detail as possible on how you can achieve your self improvement goal.Be commited to your plan,successful people plan on paper.
4) Focus and Commitment
Once you know your goal and have designed your plan you then need to focus on your goal and commit to the plan you have designed. Set aside a certain amount of time(it takes discipline to effectively manage your time) each day to work on your plan and do not allow general daily chores to distract you from what you need to do. Once you have become accustomed to working on your plan each day it will become a habit and therefore easier over time to stick too.
5) Look for Inspiration
It will be of great benefit to look for inspiration from others that have overcome the same self improvement challenge as your own. This can be in the form of books, seminars, courses or even a person from your local community that you may be able to contact to get some tips or advice.Learn to adopt the principle that successful people practiced.
Self improvement is about identifying areas of your life that you wish to change for the better and having an attitude of continual self-improvement. No matter which area of your life you intend to improve by following the steps outlined above and committing to the plan you can be assured of achieving your goals and in doing so gain more confidence to not only achieve other personal development goals but do it quicker and easier each time.
Please don't forget to post your comments on this blog, thank you.
1) Identify the Cause
A good starting point with personal development is to look at how you got to where you are right now. For example, if your area of Self Improvement relates to weight loss then look at what lifestyle factors contributed to your weight problem to start with. Write down everything you can think of that contributed to the problem and then analyze how you can modify each factor to get the result you desire.
2) Goal Setting
Clarity is very essential in achieving any self improvement goal. Ask yourself exactly what it is that you wish to achieve and the more refined and clear your goal the more chance you will have of successfully attaining it.
3) Create a Plan
Once you have decided on your goal then formulate a plan that details the steps you will take to reach your goal. Use the details you uncovered when identifying the cause of the problem and expand on these to incorporate as much detail as possible on how you can achieve your self improvement goal.Be commited to your plan,successful people plan on paper.
4) Focus and Commitment
Once you know your goal and have designed your plan you then need to focus on your goal and commit to the plan you have designed. Set aside a certain amount of time(it takes discipline to effectively manage your time) each day to work on your plan and do not allow general daily chores to distract you from what you need to do. Once you have become accustomed to working on your plan each day it will become a habit and therefore easier over time to stick too.
5) Look for Inspiration
It will be of great benefit to look for inspiration from others that have overcome the same self improvement challenge as your own. This can be in the form of books, seminars, courses or even a person from your local community that you may be able to contact to get some tips or advice.Learn to adopt the principle that successful people practiced.
Self improvement is about identifying areas of your life that you wish to change for the better and having an attitude of continual self-improvement. No matter which area of your life you intend to improve by following the steps outlined above and committing to the plan you can be assured of achieving your goals and in doing so gain more confidence to not only achieve other personal development goals but do it quicker and easier each time.
Please don't forget to post your comments on this blog, thank you.
How To Improve Your Friendship.
I have seen hardship, i have tasted leadership but i think i like frienship. One of the reasons why so many marriages and relationships break up is because they lack that essential bond and sense of "frienship".
Every improvement starts from somewhere and it's started by someone.The best way to change a person is to first of all change your attitude towards that person. Most people want to change the world by making it a better place to live in but they fail to realize that they ought to change themselves first.
As you read you will discover the A-Z of true and loving friendship. Pause! ask yourself this question, who is truly a "friend"? I have asked this question a lot of times and for every three persons i ask i usually get about five contrasting answers.These are some of the virtues of true "friendship"
#1 Always show honesty,an honest answer is the sign of true friendship.
#2 Be there for them in their time of need. Some friendships do not last, but some friends are more loyal than brothers.
#3 Cheer them up and be close to them, Cherish your friends, keep faith in them.
#4 Don't focus on there faults,
#5 encourage them, a friend strengthens you with prayers, blesses you with love and encourages you with hope
#6 forgive them without nursing grudges
#7 get together,a real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out
#8 have confidence in them,a friend is one who believes in you when you have ceased to believe in yourself
#9 Include them in your prayer
#10 Just listen to them even if you don't have a solution to their problem
#11 Know your friend and his dreams a "friend" is someone who knows all about you and loves you anyway
#12 Love them, a friend loveth at all times
#13 Make them feel special
#14 Never forget them
#15 Offer to help them
#16 Praise them when they do well
#17 Quickly disagree when necessary,
#18 Respect them
#19 Say sorry when you offend them
#20 Think of them
#21 Upgrade them. The greatest good you can do for another is not just share your riches, but to reveal to him, his own
#22 Value them, faithful friends are beyond price: No amount can balance their worth, a faithful friend is a sturdy shelter; he who finds one finds a treasure
#23 Wish them well
#24 Xray yourself before you judge or corrct them
#25 Your words count
#26 Zip your mouth to the secrets they tell you.
True friendship is like sound health; the value of it is seldom known until it be lost. One of the finest ways to impact and win someone is to improve your attitude towards that person. Apply these principles and you will be amazed at the outcome.
Every improvement starts from somewhere and it's started by someone.The best way to change a person is to first of all change your attitude towards that person. Most people want to change the world by making it a better place to live in but they fail to realize that they ought to change themselves first.
As you read you will discover the A-Z of true and loving friendship. Pause! ask yourself this question, who is truly a "friend"? I have asked this question a lot of times and for every three persons i ask i usually get about five contrasting answers.These are some of the virtues of true "friendship"
#1 Always show honesty,an honest answer is the sign of true friendship.
#2 Be there for them in their time of need. Some friendships do not last, but some friends are more loyal than brothers.
#3 Cheer them up and be close to them, Cherish your friends, keep faith in them.
#4 Don't focus on there faults,
#5 encourage them, a friend strengthens you with prayers, blesses you with love and encourages you with hope
#6 forgive them without nursing grudges
#7 get together,a real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out
#8 have confidence in them,a friend is one who believes in you when you have ceased to believe in yourself
#9 Include them in your prayer
#10 Just listen to them even if you don't have a solution to their problem
#11 Know your friend and his dreams a "friend" is someone who knows all about you and loves you anyway
#12 Love them, a friend loveth at all times
#13 Make them feel special
#14 Never forget them
#15 Offer to help them
#16 Praise them when they do well
#17 Quickly disagree when necessary,
#18 Respect them
#19 Say sorry when you offend them
#20 Think of them
#21 Upgrade them. The greatest good you can do for another is not just share your riches, but to reveal to him, his own
#22 Value them, faithful friends are beyond price: No amount can balance their worth, a faithful friend is a sturdy shelter; he who finds one finds a treasure
#23 Wish them well
#24 Xray yourself before you judge or corrct them
#25 Your words count
#26 Zip your mouth to the secrets they tell you.
True friendship is like sound health; the value of it is seldom known until it be lost. One of the finest ways to impact and win someone is to improve your attitude towards that person. Apply these principles and you will be amazed at the outcome.
You Can Think For Youself...
There is a common belief that we all are capable of thinking for our self. Are we really, truly original in our thinking? How much are we utilizing our God given ability to think? Bottom line, these are the only actual freedoms we have. Why am I asking what may seem to be non-sensical questions? Let's take a look at the answers together.
The world we are born into is up and running. So from birth our thinking, choices, likes and dislikes begin to be shaped. We are taught very early in life to conform, to fit in, to get inside the box. In other words, we think and do as we have been told from childhood. Our thinking and actions conform to what is neccessary to fit in, to gain approval.The approval of men is not always sincere but that of our creator.
Our understanding of life must be consistent with our experience, and our experience occurs in our minds, a wise person does not just live by his experience but he benefits from the experience of others. It’s strange that we don’t give more thought to our existence or show more reverence towards our precious gift of life and search out our life purpose. This can all begin by simply asking "why" more often. We get up each morning, experience the joys and challenges of the day, and go to bed at night without dwelling on the larger context of our thoughts, feelings, and actions. We live in the moment in order to survive and to derive pleasure from our existence. More often than not, it is a humdrum existence. We have assimilated too much and not originated enough.We should allow our minds to focus and brood on the issues that matter the most to us .I don't know how you feel about it; but I am here to originate as much as possible and to duplicate only when neccessary.
I am not denying we have to care for ourselves fulfill the duties towards our families, towards our job or business and to the rest of the world. This is true. It's necessary for survival. I am not saying you to renounce the world and become a hermit. We need to live in this world, take care of our financial and other needs and the needs of our loved ones, this is our best means for growth and "self improvement". We can certainly enjoy all modern comforts and our social life. Yet we can and must be aware of the spiritual or basic realities about ourselves on which all our activities are based. We have to realize that we are a storehouse for original, fresh thinking and the solutions to all our problems starts within us. We should not be too lazy to think for ourselves.
I'd like to ask one more question: Can you ever hope to attain anything in life that provides lasting and permanent happiness. The reason the answer is (or will be) no, is partly because our concepts of what provides happiness are not our own personal conclusions. True happiness is an inside job.
Set aside 30 minutes each day to be spent in mediation and solitude. Spend some time alone with yourself. Get to know yourself. Listen to your inner voice, its the best advisor you will ever have. While driving, leave the radio off sometimes and spend that time with yourself---with YOUR mind. The benefits will astound you. Notice where the following statement says where Kingdom is, meditate on this truth sometimes.
The kingdom of God cometh not with observation; neither shall they say, Lo here! or, Lo there! For behold, the kingdom of God is within you. ( Luke 17:20-21)
The world we are born into is up and running. So from birth our thinking, choices, likes and dislikes begin to be shaped. We are taught very early in life to conform, to fit in, to get inside the box. In other words, we think and do as we have been told from childhood. Our thinking and actions conform to what is neccessary to fit in, to gain approval.The approval of men is not always sincere but that of our creator.
Our understanding of life must be consistent with our experience, and our experience occurs in our minds, a wise person does not just live by his experience but he benefits from the experience of others. It’s strange that we don’t give more thought to our existence or show more reverence towards our precious gift of life and search out our life purpose. This can all begin by simply asking "why" more often. We get up each morning, experience the joys and challenges of the day, and go to bed at night without dwelling on the larger context of our thoughts, feelings, and actions. We live in the moment in order to survive and to derive pleasure from our existence. More often than not, it is a humdrum existence. We have assimilated too much and not originated enough.We should allow our minds to focus and brood on the issues that matter the most to us .I don't know how you feel about it; but I am here to originate as much as possible and to duplicate only when neccessary.
I am not denying we have to care for ourselves fulfill the duties towards our families, towards our job or business and to the rest of the world. This is true. It's necessary for survival. I am not saying you to renounce the world and become a hermit. We need to live in this world, take care of our financial and other needs and the needs of our loved ones, this is our best means for growth and "self improvement". We can certainly enjoy all modern comforts and our social life. Yet we can and must be aware of the spiritual or basic realities about ourselves on which all our activities are based. We have to realize that we are a storehouse for original, fresh thinking and the solutions to all our problems starts within us. We should not be too lazy to think for ourselves.
I'd like to ask one more question: Can you ever hope to attain anything in life that provides lasting and permanent happiness. The reason the answer is (or will be) no, is partly because our concepts of what provides happiness are not our own personal conclusions. True happiness is an inside job.
Set aside 30 minutes each day to be spent in mediation and solitude. Spend some time alone with yourself. Get to know yourself. Listen to your inner voice, its the best advisor you will ever have. While driving, leave the radio off sometimes and spend that time with yourself---with YOUR mind. The benefits will astound you. Notice where the following statement says where Kingdom is, meditate on this truth sometimes.
The kingdom of God cometh not with observation; neither shall they say, Lo here! or, Lo there! For behold, the kingdom of God is within you. ( Luke 17:20-21)
How To Motivate Yourself For Sustained Peak Performance!
Someone once expressed the view that if organizations hired motivated people they would be able to spend less time focusing on how to motivate and reward employees.
While I agree in spirit to that statement, I do feel that the individuals sustained acts that are recognized and appreciated serve as on going fuel in ones’ gas tank of life.
Here are ten proven simple strategies for remaining energized and motivated in the work place as a managerial-leader. Consider:
1. Completion – psychology reveals that ones’ mind must see completion or accomplishment to energy expanded. If one works on project(s) and at the end of the day, nothing quantifiable is accomplished, it becomes harder and harder to sustain that same level, not mention an increased level, of commitment and enthusiasm toward the project. It is natural for the mind to divert energies toward other matters, when it does not see results. So, a simple, silly yet meaningful example would be to make sure that every day your schedule is loaded with something that you can look back upon at the end of the day as having accomplished, a this or a that!
2. Limit Exposure To People – limit the amount of time you spend around those people that are ‘takers’ and not ‘givers’ of energy. Engaging individuals that tend to be energy drainers, negative perspective oriented and toxic personalities are sure-fire ways of having energy drained from you. Have a strategy for engaging them that allows you to engage and escape quickly. As detailed in ENOUGH ALREADY: 50 Fast Ways To Deal With, Manage And Eliminate Negativity At Work And Home, I have found that by limiting your exposure to these types of people you will remain motivated and energized more often!
3. Limit Exposure To Things – limit the amount of time you spend on projects, activities, committees or things that are ‘takers’ and not ‘givers’ of energy. Participating in some of those ‘things’ that one does not always have to engage in, tend to be energy drainers of you. Have a strategy that will tell you when to engage, participate and when to bite ones’ tongue, shut up and or not even show up to the event! You will find that by limiting your exposure to these types of ‘things’ you will remain motivated and energized more often!
4. Personal Mission Statement Focus – individuals with defined self purpose as Stephen Covey called it in his best selling book, 7 Habits Of Highly Successful People, are in fact successful and live in greater self harmony because they gravitate toward those things and people that have connection with what they are about. This serves as a self fulfilling energy depositor!
5. Professional Mission Statement Focus – so too would hold true for truly effective professionals, they arrive in the work place with clarity of purpose that holds self- meaning and when engaged in actions that serve this purpose, they too seem to become more energized and thus motivated!
6. Master Mind Group – famed business man of the mid 1900’s Napoleon Hill in the classic book, Success Through A Positive Mental Attitude, called it ones’ personal board-of-directors, to surround yourself with like professionals that you can draw upon for open, candid and confidential input in times of high and low will be a powerful force personally. Your Master Mind Group will serve as a constant source of inspiration and motivation to you and your causes!
7. Other Person Focused – whether referred to as servant leadership or customer focused, when you understand what is held to be truly meaningful to the other person in the work place and you can assist them in attaining that, you will find them a more willing participant in your circles. This willingness feeds your energy and the two of you become more moved and motivated in your actions…energies are working together and not against one another!
8. Don’t Argue – without question, the fastest way to drain ones’ energy level, increase ones’ negative self talk and reduce forward momentum both in the now and contribute toward possible future obstacles, is to engage in an argument with another person in a professional environment. Just recognize in most arguments there are two critical questions: Who gets exhausted? Who gets energized? This will aid as a good guidepost toward future engagements for sustained enthusiasm!
9. Just Do It – as the mantra goes, so to do winners! Procrastination and the act of ‘excuse-it is’ can both hold one back from victory and victories serve as energy depositors, the act of waiting, holding back, putting off and just simple procrastination on those tasks, issues, etc. which one must address only serve to be powerful demotivators. It is like building a daily ‘to do list’ and putting the ugly task to last, it only serves to ruin an otherwise great day and will ensure that you go about that matter with only have your energy level … load that type of activity into the day after some thing great and before something great and even it will be done with great motivation. And as a leader, remember ‘model’ the behaviors they see exhibited from you!
Finally, anybody can be motivated, it's all about the choice you make and the decision you take.
While I agree in spirit to that statement, I do feel that the individuals sustained acts that are recognized and appreciated serve as on going fuel in ones’ gas tank of life.
Here are ten proven simple strategies for remaining energized and motivated in the work place as a managerial-leader. Consider:
1. Completion – psychology reveals that ones’ mind must see completion or accomplishment to energy expanded. If one works on project(s) and at the end of the day, nothing quantifiable is accomplished, it becomes harder and harder to sustain that same level, not mention an increased level, of commitment and enthusiasm toward the project. It is natural for the mind to divert energies toward other matters, when it does not see results. So, a simple, silly yet meaningful example would be to make sure that every day your schedule is loaded with something that you can look back upon at the end of the day as having accomplished, a this or a that!
2. Limit Exposure To People – limit the amount of time you spend around those people that are ‘takers’ and not ‘givers’ of energy. Engaging individuals that tend to be energy drainers, negative perspective oriented and toxic personalities are sure-fire ways of having energy drained from you. Have a strategy for engaging them that allows you to engage and escape quickly. As detailed in ENOUGH ALREADY: 50 Fast Ways To Deal With, Manage And Eliminate Negativity At Work And Home, I have found that by limiting your exposure to these types of people you will remain motivated and energized more often!
3. Limit Exposure To Things – limit the amount of time you spend on projects, activities, committees or things that are ‘takers’ and not ‘givers’ of energy. Participating in some of those ‘things’ that one does not always have to engage in, tend to be energy drainers of you. Have a strategy that will tell you when to engage, participate and when to bite ones’ tongue, shut up and or not even show up to the event! You will find that by limiting your exposure to these types of ‘things’ you will remain motivated and energized more often!
4. Personal Mission Statement Focus – individuals with defined self purpose as Stephen Covey called it in his best selling book, 7 Habits Of Highly Successful People, are in fact successful and live in greater self harmony because they gravitate toward those things and people that have connection with what they are about. This serves as a self fulfilling energy depositor!
5. Professional Mission Statement Focus – so too would hold true for truly effective professionals, they arrive in the work place with clarity of purpose that holds self- meaning and when engaged in actions that serve this purpose, they too seem to become more energized and thus motivated!
6. Master Mind Group – famed business man of the mid 1900’s Napoleon Hill in the classic book, Success Through A Positive Mental Attitude, called it ones’ personal board-of-directors, to surround yourself with like professionals that you can draw upon for open, candid and confidential input in times of high and low will be a powerful force personally. Your Master Mind Group will serve as a constant source of inspiration and motivation to you and your causes!
7. Other Person Focused – whether referred to as servant leadership or customer focused, when you understand what is held to be truly meaningful to the other person in the work place and you can assist them in attaining that, you will find them a more willing participant in your circles. This willingness feeds your energy and the two of you become more moved and motivated in your actions…energies are working together and not against one another!
8. Don’t Argue – without question, the fastest way to drain ones’ energy level, increase ones’ negative self talk and reduce forward momentum both in the now and contribute toward possible future obstacles, is to engage in an argument with another person in a professional environment. Just recognize in most arguments there are two critical questions: Who gets exhausted? Who gets energized? This will aid as a good guidepost toward future engagements for sustained enthusiasm!
9. Just Do It – as the mantra goes, so to do winners! Procrastination and the act of ‘excuse-it is’ can both hold one back from victory and victories serve as energy depositors, the act of waiting, holding back, putting off and just simple procrastination on those tasks, issues, etc. which one must address only serve to be powerful demotivators. It is like building a daily ‘to do list’ and putting the ugly task to last, it only serves to ruin an otherwise great day and will ensure that you go about that matter with only have your energy level … load that type of activity into the day after some thing great and before something great and even it will be done with great motivation. And as a leader, remember ‘model’ the behaviors they see exhibited from you!
Finally, anybody can be motivated, it's all about the choice you make and the decision you take.
Be The Head That You Are...
Most people live like the tail, where as they actually are suppose to be the head.
What you don't know stops from getting what you should get. Live like the head you are and take total responsibility of your affairs...
Knowing that you are in charge of your affairs and responsible for the situation about you gives you a sense of authority...
What you don't know stops from getting what you should get. Live like the head you are and take total responsibility of your affairs...
Knowing that you are in charge of your affairs and responsible for the situation about you gives you a sense of authority...
How to Commit to Your Success Plan!
Achieving personal success means making a commitment that you WILL be successful. Are You “TRYING” or are you committed to succeeding in a home-based business?
We must make our intention very clear if we are going to acquire personal success as well as financial freedom! We simply cannot manifest anything until we eliminate the “trying” energy and replace it with the pure joy of “COMMITTING” to yourself, to others, and especially to the success strategies required in a home-business.
The truth is that you either “DO” something or you “DON’T”! The word "trying" is empty because it means that you just have a thought about doing something. However, you have made not made an inner commitment to actually move forward and manifest your desires. Just to clarify what I mean--right now, you need to commit to picking up a pen and then “TRY” to drop it. Don't actually drop it; just “try” to do it. What happened? It’s pretty frustrating experience, right? That’s because there is no intention in allowing the pen to drop because you have not decided to drop it. Instead you are just “trying” to drop it. This is what your life is like when you say, "I'll try to do: ________”
In implementing a healthy mindset, realize that in each moment, you have two choices: To either commit 100% to focusing on what you “DO” want in life OR to commit 100% to focusing on what you “DON'T” want. To “TRY” to focus on what you “do” want, or “don't” want is actually just saying that you are NOT willing to be responsible for the results you desire. Instead you are taking the easy way out by not being willing to make a commitment.
Making a commitment to your “success plan”, to yourself, to others, and to your future success is extremely powerful because it sends out a message to the Universe that you are truly sincere about manifesting your intention! This vibration is then felt by the Universe who in turn supports you in making your desire or goal manifest in the physical world. Remember that the Universe needs clarity of intention to support you in manifesting your desires. If you send out “wishy washy” energy in the form of "trying" you will just get back “wishy washy” results.
Therefore, it is so important to embrace a new way of “being” which is one where you make commitments to what you want to “do” to manifest a goal; instead of just "trying" to make it manifest. One powerful success step in stopping the “trying” game is to eliminate the word “try” and its attitude from your vocabulary and your emotional body. Notice your body, your mind, and your intention when you tend to use the words “I’ll try”. These are the weak links in your manifesting vibration. Remember that the more you use “try”, the lower your vibration gets.
Personal Success Action Steps:
1. Stop saying the words, “I’ll try” for just one week, and you will see a HUGE shift in your manifesting abilities. Always replace “I’ll try” with empowering statements like: “I am committed to”, “I am going to”, or “I get to,” “I choose to make this commitment”. How does it feel to eliminate the words “I’ll try” and make these new strong commitments to yourself? The simple practice of stating HOW you are committed to doing something instead of using the word "try" will instill you with a higher level of self-confidence and will support you in accomplishing more of what you set out to do!
Another success tip is that also, do NOT allow others (whether they are your family, friends or colleagues) to speak their intentions in this weak “TRY” manner. You need to be strong enough to point out this error to them and give them some constructive feedback. You need to be strong for them. Too many people do NOT understand the power of the words they declare to the Universe. It is your responsibility to not allow people on your team in your home-business to use this language if they want to be successful in using these “success strategies” in order to be successful and committed to their home-based business. These keys to success are very powerful!
We must make our intention very clear if we are going to acquire personal success as well as financial freedom! We simply cannot manifest anything until we eliminate the “trying” energy and replace it with the pure joy of “COMMITTING” to yourself, to others, and especially to the success strategies required in a home-business.
The truth is that you either “DO” something or you “DON’T”! The word "trying" is empty because it means that you just have a thought about doing something. However, you have made not made an inner commitment to actually move forward and manifest your desires. Just to clarify what I mean--right now, you need to commit to picking up a pen and then “TRY” to drop it. Don't actually drop it; just “try” to do it. What happened? It’s pretty frustrating experience, right? That’s because there is no intention in allowing the pen to drop because you have not decided to drop it. Instead you are just “trying” to drop it. This is what your life is like when you say, "I'll try to do: ________”
In implementing a healthy mindset, realize that in each moment, you have two choices: To either commit 100% to focusing on what you “DO” want in life OR to commit 100% to focusing on what you “DON'T” want. To “TRY” to focus on what you “do” want, or “don't” want is actually just saying that you are NOT willing to be responsible for the results you desire. Instead you are taking the easy way out by not being willing to make a commitment.
Making a commitment to your “success plan”, to yourself, to others, and to your future success is extremely powerful because it sends out a message to the Universe that you are truly sincere about manifesting your intention! This vibration is then felt by the Universe who in turn supports you in making your desire or goal manifest in the physical world. Remember that the Universe needs clarity of intention to support you in manifesting your desires. If you send out “wishy washy” energy in the form of "trying" you will just get back “wishy washy” results.
Therefore, it is so important to embrace a new way of “being” which is one where you make commitments to what you want to “do” to manifest a goal; instead of just "trying" to make it manifest. One powerful success step in stopping the “trying” game is to eliminate the word “try” and its attitude from your vocabulary and your emotional body. Notice your body, your mind, and your intention when you tend to use the words “I’ll try”. These are the weak links in your manifesting vibration. Remember that the more you use “try”, the lower your vibration gets.
Personal Success Action Steps:
1. Stop saying the words, “I’ll try” for just one week, and you will see a HUGE shift in your manifesting abilities. Always replace “I’ll try” with empowering statements like: “I am committed to”, “I am going to”, or “I get to,” “I choose to make this commitment”. How does it feel to eliminate the words “I’ll try” and make these new strong commitments to yourself? The simple practice of stating HOW you are committed to doing something instead of using the word "try" will instill you with a higher level of self-confidence and will support you in accomplishing more of what you set out to do!
Another success tip is that also, do NOT allow others (whether they are your family, friends or colleagues) to speak their intentions in this weak “TRY” manner. You need to be strong enough to point out this error to them and give them some constructive feedback. You need to be strong for them. Too many people do NOT understand the power of the words they declare to the Universe. It is your responsibility to not allow people on your team in your home-business to use this language if they want to be successful in using these “success strategies” in order to be successful and committed to their home-based business. These keys to success are very powerful!
The differences between the successful and the mediocre
few years ago some scientists set out to find the best way to predict whether a person will become successful or not. They discovered that there are two areas in which there are big differences between the highly successful and the average, and these two areas make the best predictors of success.
It's interesting that many of the commonly held beliefs as to what constitutes an advantage in the success game turn out to be wrong. For example, most people when asked say that being born into a rich family is a great advantage when it comes to getting wealthy. The research discovered that this in not actually the case.
Similarly age is not an important factor. There are people who become successful at a young age and others who don't become successful until they are much older; in fact some achieve their success very late in life.
The amount of formal education that a person has is not a large influencing factor in a person's overall success in life. Successful people come from all levels of the formal education system and failures are also spread across the board when it comes to official education.
The first of the two strong predictors of success may come as a surprise to many people. It is the size of the person's vocabulary and in particular their ability to draw from smaller of larger vocabularies depending on who they are speaking to.
Although this may initially appear to be a surprising result it probably isn't so surprising once you stop and think about it. A large vocabulary combined with an ability to adjust the vocabulary to the particular listener is probably a sign of good communication skills in general. We live in language based societies and the better we can use our language the more doors of opportunity we can open.
The second strong predictive quality should come as no surprise. It is the amount of reading that a person does in the field of personal development. Successful people are readers and in particular they read books that help them become more fully developed human beings.
It is also interesting to note that the highly successful people tend to read most of these self development books many times. They are not just reading for interest, they are reading to absorb the information and to put it to use in their life. Most of these successful people have favorite self development books that they read each and every year.
So what does all this mean for you and your life?
It probably means that you should ask yourself how well you use your primary language and it probably means that you should also ask yourself how many personal development books you read and how many of those do you read multiple times to help you absorb the learning and make it a part of your day to day life.
You could set a goal to increase your self development reading. You could also set a goal to read each of those self development books 3 or 4 times. It might prove interesting to see just how much your life improves if you do.
It's interesting that many of the commonly held beliefs as to what constitutes an advantage in the success game turn out to be wrong. For example, most people when asked say that being born into a rich family is a great advantage when it comes to getting wealthy. The research discovered that this in not actually the case.
Similarly age is not an important factor. There are people who become successful at a young age and others who don't become successful until they are much older; in fact some achieve their success very late in life.
The amount of formal education that a person has is not a large influencing factor in a person's overall success in life. Successful people come from all levels of the formal education system and failures are also spread across the board when it comes to official education.
The first of the two strong predictors of success may come as a surprise to many people. It is the size of the person's vocabulary and in particular their ability to draw from smaller of larger vocabularies depending on who they are speaking to.
Although this may initially appear to be a surprising result it probably isn't so surprising once you stop and think about it. A large vocabulary combined with an ability to adjust the vocabulary to the particular listener is probably a sign of good communication skills in general. We live in language based societies and the better we can use our language the more doors of opportunity we can open.
The second strong predictive quality should come as no surprise. It is the amount of reading that a person does in the field of personal development. Successful people are readers and in particular they read books that help them become more fully developed human beings.
It is also interesting to note that the highly successful people tend to read most of these self development books many times. They are not just reading for interest, they are reading to absorb the information and to put it to use in their life. Most of these successful people have favorite self development books that they read each and every year.
So what does all this mean for you and your life?
It probably means that you should ask yourself how well you use your primary language and it probably means that you should also ask yourself how many personal development books you read and how many of those do you read multiple times to help you absorb the learning and make it a part of your day to day life.
You could set a goal to increase your self development reading. You could also set a goal to read each of those self development books 3 or 4 times. It might prove interesting to see just how much your life improves if you do.
Last time we talked about living above average, we saw that average does not get us to perfection. To remove the average mentality/limitations, it doesn’t start from taking away physical barriers to success but it starts by clearing the mind from all average mentality.
You might not be the best person to solve your problem but you are surely the first person to start your solution. The problem with today’s society is that many people don’t get to realize that like a vehicle they are the ignition that sparks/starts the whole process of moving the vehicle.
Because life is a continuum, you have to let this mindset into you “that excellence is not a position but rather it is a continues walk. Or else how would you explain deterioration to mediocrity of a person known for excellence. I emphasize this to make you remove the thought that excellence is a destination, which if achieved will prevent you from deteriorating . The truth is that anybody anywhere can be excellent in anything lie does at anytime. However there are factors to be considered and applied... You can be excellent.
You might not be the best person to solve your problem but you are surely the first person to start your solution. The problem with today’s society is that many people don’t get to realize that like a vehicle they are the ignition that sparks/starts the whole process of moving the vehicle.
Because life is a continuum, you have to let this mindset into you “that excellence is not a position but rather it is a continues walk. Or else how would you explain deterioration to mediocrity of a person known for excellence. I emphasize this to make you remove the thought that excellence is a destination, which if achieved will prevent you from deteriorating . The truth is that anybody anywhere can be excellent in anything lie does at anytime. However there are factors to be considered and applied... You can be excellent.

In today’s world lots of people lives a life of mediocrity. Over the time, this has led to the saying that the ladder of success is not crowded at the top. And this makes me ask the question why?Why is it so, does it means that a lot of people don’t want to succeed?

It just like the shape of a triangle which has its weight beneath and is powered at the apex, that’s how the ladder of success is. Today many people live just to sustain themselves, they work just to stay alive and keep moving but I think the essence of an absolute and abundant life is to impact lives positively. A self centered life can not be satisfied. True satisfaction comes via service.
I have come to discover something in life, any acquisition I acquire and keep just to benefit me and me alone does not get me satisfied, but when I use that acquisition to reach and meet another man's need no matter how little it gives me joy and great satisfaction.
To live and absolute life let this mindset be in you “Live not just because you are given life but life because you live to make impacts living above average requires a lot of things among which is having an ATP mindset. Always thinking positive(ATP).
Before one can ever attain the top one must have overcome the barriers on his way. The deference between a successful person and a failure ( no one is a failure unless he acknowledges himself to be) is not the disparity or contrast in their acquisition but in the contrast of their way of thinking. Your change starts from your taught.
The most undeveloped place/unexploited places in history is not the great waters or the high lands, that areas lies under your hat. You will be surprised by the enormous amount of resources that lie untapped in humans. The most valuable resource today is not crude oil nor gold but it is human resource. All other resources are exhaustible but not the human resource. With time natural resources get depleted but the human resources get better with experience. No body on this earth is useless or a waste. Every one has something to deliver. There is something between your ears that is yet to be exploited. Many people die without reaching their full potentials without covering the ground assigned to them. An author say that the richest place on earth is the mortuary or cemetery. For it is there you will see people who lived and died without manifesting their God given human resources. There you find people who walked knowing they had great untapped treasure.
In our world today many people don’t care about digging deep to bring out the man and giant in them, a lot of people just want to get on with the time and survive. But to be resourceful you need to do more than survive, with to handwork and discipline powered by information you need to break through the hard shells of average to bring out that giant in you. In every man there is a seed of greatness. And for every great man there is the desire for self improvement.
In our world today many people don’t care about digging deep to bring out the man and giant in them, a lot of people just want to get on with the time and survive. But to be resourceful you need to do more than survive, with to handwork and discipline powered by information you need to break through the hard shells of average to bring out that giant in you. In every man there is a seed of greatness. And for every great man there is the desire for self improvement.

Stress has not just become a common word in today’s world. It has become a source of worry to those who pass through it.Stress can come from any situation or thought that makes you feel frustrated, angry, or anxious Stress the joy of well being of many people.Anxiety is a feeling of apprehension or fear. The source of this uneasiness is not always recognized, which can add to the distress you feel. Like a thick darkness in broadly light it has burdened lots of heart. Like an object thrown into still waters it has disturbed the peace of many. Like the name sounds “Stress” it stretches you to the limits and if not properly handle stress can degenerate to depression. It can makes you loath even the things you desired.Emotional states like grief or depression and health conditions like an overactive thyroid, low blood sugar, or heart attack can also cause stress.
some people worry over irrelevant things. Humans have the trait of wanting to steep themselves in worry and anxiety. And they tend to fall into negative thinking.The mind is the source of all diseases", stress caused by negative thinking becomes not only an obstacle for a comfortable daily life, but also becomes a cause of diseases and makes diseases worse.
Knowing all these how can we overcome stress?
#1 Laughter brings us happiness, if you are always relaxed and thinking positively, you hardly get diseases, or even if you have some diseases, they get better, and you can live a cheerful and pleasant life full of feelings of happiness.
#2 In order to overcome worry(which leads to stress), the first thing you have to realize is that problems (sources of worry) can be grossly separated into two types. One is "problems which you need to think about (to solve)".When dealing with problems you need to think about, it is useful to think calmly and rationally without negative emotions until a certain conclusion is reached (Never worry, please!). And if you reach a conclusion, simply act calmly according to the conclusion.
On the other hand, if the problem is judged to be "a problem which doesn't benefit you at all by thinking of it", you should realize that worrying about the problem is nothing but a waste of your mind power, and stop thinking and worrying about it.
By simply putting this into practice, stress ought to be fairly decreased.
#3 One of the greatest stress relief methods is exercise. Exercise does a number of things that help people deal with stress. Exercise increases blood flow and oxygen intake. This helps with brain functions. Exercise also releases chemicals into the body called endorphins. These are the feel good chemicals of the body. They give a person a feeling of well being. A short walk can be enough to knock the stress out of a person. Regular workouts can help maintain a stress free lifestyle.
#4 Get a good night's sleep. When people experience stress, sleep patterns are often affected. Getting 6 to 8 hours of sleep a night is the body's time to rejuvenate and repair. Sleep deprivation can make stressful situations worse. Find ways to relax and unwind before bed to ensure a good night's sleep. Some find a relaxing bath helps, or a lavender dream pillow assists in falling asleep and staying asleep.
The truth is that anyone can be stressed and depressed, and anyone can come out of stress and depression it all depends on you. There’s one thing I’ve actually noticed in life, most times solutions don’t come until it is yearned for.Problems are strictly mere problems and are outside of you, and can't touch you at all. In spite of this fact, people create uncomfortable emotions in themselves like anxiety or worrying using problems outside by a force of habit, to satisfy the natural desire of "wanting to be worried" or "wanting to suffer(stress)".
If a certain problem comes to your mind with negative emotions and the problem is judged to be a "problem which doesn't benefit you at all by thinking of it", and if you neglect it and don't think about it for the time being, and think about or do pleasant things, the problem which exists outside you originally cannot affect you at all.
By forming such a habit for "problems which don't benefit you at all by thinking of them" like this, you can live cheerfully, happily and positively with "feelings of happiness" or "feelings of relaxation" all the time.
Finally, take no thought for your life, what you shall eat or drink nor yet for your body, what you shall put on,is not life more than meat and the body than raiment. watch the birds of the air they neither plant nor reap but your heavenly father feed them. you are better than they. By taking thought which of you can add one cubit to his stature. Therefore take no thought saying, what shall we drink or how you shall we be clothed? for your heavenly father knows that you need all these.
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